The Human Rights Centre of the University of Sarajevo (HRC Sarajevo) was founded in December 1996 by the University with the assistance of a number of international organizations such as: Council of Europe, EU, UNMBiH, Office of the High Representative in BH (OHR), World University Service, Raoul Wallenberg Institute, etc. The HRC Sarajevo is working in line with its educational mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This mission determined the structure of the organization, which is characterized by three main departments: 1) Program Department, 2) Library and Documentation Department (LDD) and 3) Research and Development Department (RDD). The Program Department works on several internationally funded projects and has been engaged in two FP6 funded projects (HUMSEC and MIRICO). The HRC Sarajevo is also local coordination unit for Bosnia and Herzegovina within the Regional Research Promotion Programme in the Western Balkans (RRPP).
Main tasks in SERSCIDA: HRC Sarajevo is the overall SERSCIDA project coordinator.
Workpackage Leader WP1 and WP6 Task Leader T1.1, T1.2, T2.2, T2.3, T6.1 and T6.2
Digitization and archiving related projects have been part of the activities of HRC Sarajevo RDD department in past 10 years. The project management and networking has been one of the main HRC Sarajevo professional engagements through projects and programs such as: Balkan Human Rights Network, Regional Research Promotion Programme in the Western Balkans, ICT Service in Human Rights Education, The Gate – Virtual Gate to Human Rights etc.
Lejla SOMUN-KRUPALIJA, MSc, is the project coordinator. Lejla has over 15 years of experience in issues of gender mainstreaming and social inclusion, through capacity building of governmental institutions at all levels, policy and legislation development. Her research interests have always been interdisciplinary ranging from medieval Arab and Jewish thought to feminisms in post-socialist contexts.
Saša MADACKI graduated at the Faculty of Philosophy University of Sarajevo. Since 2007 he has been the head of the Human Rights Centre of the University of Sarajevo. His field of research is digitization, knowledge management, impact of science and technology on human rights, as well as documentation in human rights. His main engagement will be on WP2 and WP5 – conducting and delivering the analysis of existing potentials in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as providing support and inputs to prototype database development.
Lejla Somun-Krupalija, Senior Programme /Research Officer, Ova e-mail adresa je zaštićena od spambota. Potrebno je omogućiti JavaScript da je vidite.
Ova e-mail adresa je zaštićena od spambota. Potrebno je omogućiti JavaScript da je vidite.">Human Rights Centre, University of Sarajevo
Zmaja od Bosne 8, 71000 Sarajevo
Bosna i Hercegovina
Tel/Fax: +387 33 668 251
'Otvoreni pristup' se odnosi na praksu pružanja neometanog internetskog pristupa znanstvenim tekstovima. Budući da se sva istraživanja i inovacije zasnivaju na ranijim postignućima, učinkovit sustav za široku disperziju i pristup istraživačkim publikacijama i neobrađenim podacima može ubrzati razvoj znanosti. Deklaracija iz 2008. godine OECD-a navodi „da otvoreni pristup i neograničeno korištenje podataka promovira znanstveni razvoj i olakšava obuke istraživača“ te povećava „vrijednost javnih ulaganja u proces prikupljanja podataka“. SERSCIDA će se usmjeriti na potrebu za poboljšanim i otvorenim pristupom i dijeljenjem primarnih podataka prikupljenih kroz istraživanja u području društvenih znanosti, te će u isto vrijeme pokušati podržati oživljavanje postojećih državnih strategija i struktura te doprinijeti razvoju novih.