The Institute of Economic Sciences (IEN) is a research institute with more than 52 years of significant contribution to the research and policy advices in various fields of economic sciences. IEN field of activities is very broad including analysis and policy proposals on economic and social development, macro and microeconomics, international economic relations, small and medium sized (SME) sector development, banking, insurance and finances, etc. The Institute of Economic Sciences has two centres: Centre for Economic Researches, and Centre for Microeconomic Researches and Consultancy. It is also the local coordination unit (LCU) of the Regional Research Programme Promotion in the Western Balkans (RRPP).
Main tasks in SERSCIDA: IEN will serve as Workpackage Leader WP3 and Task Leader T2.2, T2.3, T3.1, T3.2, T3.3
Besides numerous international and national research projects, IEN is also a partner in TEMPUS project on "Master d'études Européennes à double diplomation en Serbie". IEN was a part of implementation of Virtual library of Serbia – COBISS/OPAC (COBISS.RS) as a part of global library information systems, and Current Research Information System in Serbia – E-CRIS.SR, European information systems which have been built for decades (financial resources for research, use of research results, evaluation of research descriptions of research results, links to other (bibliographic) databases). Researchers from IEN were also engaged in the projects of information system of development in Belgrade Banking Academy – Faculty for banking, insurance and finance, and development of e-banking in Serbia.
Aleksandra BRADIĆ-MARTINOVIĆ, PhD, graduated at the Faculty of Economics – University in Belgrade, Serbia, course: Management and Information Systems. Recently, she was engaged in several projects: "Theoretical and Methodological Basis for a New Generation of Documents on Sustainable Development in Serbia and Montenegro: Adjustment with New European and Regional Documents", then "Information System Development of Belgrade Banking Academy – Faculty for banking, insurance and finance", and in the local projects and process of implementation of COBISS data base in Faculty of Economics in Belgrade, program for testing and learning of students – TLS (Link Group) and banking information system for students training and practice – BI (Antegra) in Belgrade Banking Academy. Within the SERSCIDA, she will be a coordinator of the tasks within the WP2 and engaged in carrying out tasks within WP3.
Ivana DOMAZET, PhD, studied Economics/Marketing at the University of Belgrade, Serbia. She has a background in research on marketing management, corporate social responsibility, human resources and knowledge management. She will be responsible for coordination of SERSCIDA activities in Serbia within WP3 and engaged in carrying out tasks within WP2.
Aleksandar ZDRAVKOVIĆ, MA, completed gradute studies in Economics, Department for Statistics and Informatics, and master studies in Finance at the University of Belgrade. Ha has over 5 years of experience in the area of economic research and quantitative data analysis. He will be responsible for financial issues of SERSCIDA project from the IES side and engaged in carrying out tasks within the WP2 and WP3.
Bojana RADOVANOVIC, MPhil, completed undergraduate studies in Economics and master studies in Ethics at the University of Belgrade, Serbia and MPhil course in Development Studies at the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom. She coordinates programme activities in Serbia within the "Regional Research Promotion Programme in the Western Balkans". She will be responsible for coordination of the IEN activities with main focus on the external communication with the programme leader and the partners and engaged in carrying out tasks within the WP2 and WP3 of SERSCIDA.
Aleksandra Bradic Martinovic, Ova e-mail adresa je zaštićena od spambota. Potrebno je omogućiti JavaScript da je vidite.
Ivana Domazet, Ova e-mail adresa je zaštićena od spambota. Potrebno je omogućiti JavaScript da je vidite.
Aleksandar Zdravkovic, Ova e-mail adresa je zaštićena od spambota. Potrebno je omogućiti JavaScript da je vidite.
Bojana Radovanovic, Ova e-mail adresa je zaštićena od spambota. Potrebno je omogućiti JavaScript da je vidite.
Institute of Economic Sciences
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11000 Belgrade
Tel. +381 11 2623-055, 2622-357
Fax: +381 11 2181-471
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'Otvoreni pristup' se odnosi na praksu pružanja neometanog internetskog pristupa znanstvenim tekstovima. Budući da se sva istraživanja i inovacije zasnivaju na ranijim postignućima, učinkovit sustav za široku disperziju i pristup istraživačkim publikacijama i neobrađenim podacima može ubrzati razvoj znanosti. Deklaracija iz 2008. godine OECD-a navodi „da otvoreni pristup i neograničeno korištenje podataka promovira znanstveni razvoj i olakšava obuke istraživača“ te povećava „vrijednost javnih ulaganja u proces prikupljanja podataka“. SERSCIDA će se usmjeriti na potrebu za poboljšanim i otvorenim pristupom i dijeljenjem primarnih podataka prikupljenih kroz istraživanja u području društvenih znanosti, te će u isto vrijeme pokušati podržati oživljavanje postojećih državnih strategija i struktura te doprinijeti razvoju novih.